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Woodwork For Inventor Hole Notes Series 3

Widom Associates

Updated: Dec 20, 2022

Our users commonly inquire about the versatile whole notes functionality. This video explains its purpose: to enable a user to include additional information regarding holes and show it in their tables. With this feature, one can easily create more transparent data for analysis! In the drawing, users are able to configure what specific information is needed for technical documentation and how it should be outputted based on their requirements. With the 'notes' feature available, customers can create various templates that can then be applied to holes in a 3D model – these will automatically populate with content according to distinct measurements of each hole.

After all of the requisite information is gathered, it's automatically used to draw out parts in the entire table when outputting. Moreover, you can attach hole notes for corresponding hardware components to supply full notes to holes as well. During the sculpt command, these notes are transferred instantaneously onto your model. Here’s how you use this invaluable whole note functionality: First off, make sure that you adjust your system settings so that it recognizes and uses Whole Notes with furniture production–this only needs done once!

To manufacture the holes, a select set of tools are used. For instance, 8mm, 5mm and 15mm drills are utilized for these openings. Since this is done routinely, special templates can be developed to help in finishing the job faster - they should be applied on every hole accordingly as well! The software also has an amazing feature that makes it easy; it knows which holes need what template and fills out all relevant information automatically without you having to manually enter anything. So if we want our task to go quickly smoothy with minimal effort needed from us, we have to create those templates first!

Now that we have a functioning system for managing dynamic hole information, the next step is to modify our table templates. These will specify which columns display whole note data. Furthermore, these templates also act as filters when many holes are present in one part of furniture – allowing users to easily select which template applies where. Lastly, after all configurations and adjustments have been completed, drawing generation remains the only task left!

Every detail of a whole node assigned to each hole is seamlessly sent over to the produced Whole Table. Now, let's determine what data we can manipulate within the Whole Notes. We first need to figure out for which holes our created Hole Node Template applies; two parameters are taken into account here: Hole Type and Whole Dimensions. The set of measurements that define a hole depends on its type - for instance, Through-Holes feature only one dimension (diameter), while Blind Holes also have an extra Depth Dimension included in their characteristics. Along with exact dimensions, ranges can be specified for data filtering purposes when assigning multiple whole notes. This allows for greater navigation options and ease of use during the assignment process.

After establishing the type of hole for which to produce a template, it is possible to specify tolerances for each Dimension that characterizes the whole. Furthermore, you can choose between two values – either the exact read value from your model or enter user-defined ones. For example, say we require an 8mm hole; due to CNC constraints our real size must be precisely 8mm when making a blind drill and an 8+1/10 mm one in case of through holes. Furthermore, when drawing the hole, we want to make sure that it reaches an exact measurement of 8 millimeters. To ensure this accuracy is achieved, rather than outputting the diameter recognized in the model itself; instead use and output what has been recorded within its specified template. Additionally users have access to data fields about other aspects of the whole which can be altered or set accordingly.

With the data fields he needs, a user can define up to five additional attributes that are relevant for his internal process. Each field is tagged and accompanied by a comment about its meaning; this value will be inputted when creating a specific template node. It's essential to bear in mind that these additional entries must remain consistent across all templates - so it is critical to consider what information you want to manage when entering these values.

To demonstrate how a note template is created in the Inventor environment, let's create two templates for 8 mm holes - one blind and one through. To begin, select the Whole Note Setup command to launch a dialog that allows you to set up your new template. Once launched click "Add" to generate an empty template then name it (e.g., Blind Hole). Now we are ready to start creating!

Now, to make sure that this template will work for your project it is important to specify the type of hole you are planning on using. We have six types of holes available- let's select the blind type! This will determine which dimensions can be accurately toleranced.

By examining this type of hole, we can identify the necessary dimensions and tolerances. For example, let's set a tolerance for diameter at plus 0.5mm and an equal symmetrical tolerance for depth. This way, our holes will be precise yet still maintain their accuracy within stated parameters - ensuring that any product meets its quality standards as desired.

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