Skeletal modeling
Autodesk Inventor software offers powerful conceptual design tools for designers. Skeletal modeling allows creating the entire concept of a future product in the context of a single part file. The concept can be expressed as the overall volume of the product, individual bodies reflecting the form of the future part, various sketches, auxiliary planes, axes, points. Later on, in the design process, it will be easy to turn this geometry into separate part files and assemble these to obtain traditional Autodesk Inventor assemblies. This method speeds up and facilitates product design significantly, and helps to better understand how the geometry of individual parts changes with the changing overall volume of the product. It also facilitates the process of creating and managing parameter-controlled models.
Skeleton Dress Up function is designed to add functions facilitating the work of furniture designers to the skeletal modeling method.
Skeleton Dress Up
When designing a piece of furniture using the skeletal modeling method, the designed bodies can be grouped into three categories:
1.Solid bodies. Any body created with Autodesk Inventor is treated as a solid body.
2.The overall form of a piece of furniture – skeleton body. Such bodies include bodies, which are turned into skeletons using Skeleton Dress Up functions. A distinctive feature of such bodies is that they all are transparent and blue.
3.The body representing part of a piece of furniture, i.e. panel. Such bodies are obtained through the use of Skeleton Dress Up functions or Skeleton Dress Up function is used to designate them as panels. A distinctive feature of such is that they all are beige in color.

The skeleton body reflects the overall form of the geometry of a piece of furniture, while the panel body represents the form of the part. A skeleton model can include several skeleton bodies. Skeleton Dress Up functionality is designed:
4. For quick design of panel bodies based on the skeleton or geometry of the existing panel.
5. To trim panels, where the trim line can serve as another panel body or working plane.
6. For easy management of skeleton and panel visibility during the design process.
Skeleton Dress Up menu can be opened only in the part design environment.

Skeleton Dress Up commands are inactive with parts to which Woodwork for Inventor plug-in material has been assigned. Woodwork for Inventor plug-in materials cannot be assigned to parts, which include skeleton- and panel-type bodies.
If you wish to start working with the part, where Woodwork for Inventor material has already been assigned to the body, it is first necessary to remove this material using the eraser function included under the Material Assignment command of Woodwork for Inventor plug-in. Conversely, if the body is a panel- or skeleton-type, you will not be able to assign Woodwork for Inventor plug-in material to it. To assign Woodwork for Inventor plug-in material to such part, it is necessary to use the Skeleton Dress Up function to turn all bodies included in such part into solid bodies.
More about Skeleton Dress Up: Skeleton Dress Up